Professor Phalguna Yadagiri
Prof. Dr. Phalguna Yadagiri is a Professor of Pharmacy and senior lecturer at the department of Health and Allied Sciences. He is a member of the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), a journal editor, and a journal reviewer and has 17 years of working experience as a researcher. His research interests include Nanoparticles, microcapsulation technicians, novel drug delivery systems, targeted drug delivery systems, biomaterials and polymers. He has over 30 Publications and 12 Research Presentations.
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- Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Sciences) – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India (2008- 2016).
- M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) – Vinayaka Mission University, India (2004-2006).
- B.Pharm – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India (1999-2003).
- D.Pharm – Board of Examing Authority, Drugs control Department, India (1996-1999)
- Intermediate– Board of Intermediate Examination, India (1994-1996).
- Secondary School Certificate –Board of Secondary Examination, India (1994).
- Professor – Department of Health and Allied Sciences, KAAF University College, Fetteh kakraba, Ghana. (May 2023 to till Date).
- Professor- Department of Pharmaceutics, SSS Indira College of Pharmacy, Nanded, India.(May 2021 to March 2023),
- Associate Professor -Department of Pharmaceutics, Bharath institute of Technology, India. (November 2018 to August 2020).
- Associate Professor– Department of Pharmaceutics, Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy, India. (2014 July to August 2018).
- Assistant Professor- Department of Pharmaceutics, Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy, India. (2010 July to June 2014).
- Assistant Professor- HITS College of Pharmacy, India. (2006 October to June 2010).
- Formulation, characterization and evaluation of nanoparticles (2010 to date).
- Development and realization of new high efficiency and low- cost nanoparticles (2011 to date).
- Formulation, characterization and evaluation of Microspheres (2008 to date).
- Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Fast Dissolving Oral Films (2011 to 2019).
- Formulation, characterization and in-vitro evaluation of chewable tablets (2010 to 2014))
- Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Films (2010-2013).
- Formulation, characterization and Evaluation of Matrix, Floating, Bilayer Tablets (2010-2016).
- Phalguna Yadagiri(2016).Design and Evaluation of Biodegradable Nanospheres of Anti-cancer drugs for Parenteral Delivery. D Thesis. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India.
- Phalguna Yadagiri(2006). Formulation, Characterization and Evaluation of Zudovidine Microspheres. Pharm Thesis. Vinayaka Mission University,India.
- Phalguna Yadagiri(2002). Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets. Pharm Thesis. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. India.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Venkateshwarlu, Ganesh kumar gudas.(2010). HPMC microspheres of zidovudine for sustained release. Int j pharm sci vol 2,(4),41- 43.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Suresh, Shivakumar.(2013). Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Film containing Naproxen.Int J Pharmacy& Analytical Research.2(4):121- 126.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Vijay kumar,Sreekanth Reddy.(2014). Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablets containg Theophylline. Int J pharmacy and research.3 (1): 1201-1207.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, (2014).Formulation,Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation of Capecitabine loaded PCL-Chitosan Nanospheres. BPJ Vol 17(1): 18-24.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, PrakashKatakam.(2014). Formulation, Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation of Tamoxifen loaded PCL-Chitosan Nanospheres. j pharmaceutics (Recent science).30(1):1174-1179.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Supriya, Tejaswini.(2014).Formulation and Evaluation of Microspheres containg Aceclofenac. IJPAR Vol 3(2): 222-227.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Harikrishna, Ganesh. (2014).Dissolution behavior of Diclofenac potassium using dual release spheroids. Journal of Drug delivery & Therapeutics.4 (3):138-144.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Srinivas,J.Harikrishna.(2014). Formulation,characterization and in-vitro evaluation of chewable tablets containing montelkust sodium by dry granulation method. Der Pharmacia Lettre (Scholars Research Library).6 (5):229-233.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Ramakrishna,Harikrishna.(2014). Formulation, Development and in-vitro evaluation of fast dissolving tablets containg olanzapine.PHARMANEST 5(5):2374-2378.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Venkatesh, .Harikrishna.(2014).Formulation,characterization and in-vitro evaluation of cefixime floating matrix tablets. Der Pharmacia Sinica (Pelagia Research Library). 5(5):106-111.
- Phalguna Yadagiri,Harikrishna,Laharika.(2014). Formulation and Evaluation of novel microemulsions of Atorvastatin calcium trihydrate. IJPHR, 2(4); 205-210.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Prakash Katakam,Narayana.D.(2014).Doxorubicin loaded polycaprolactonechitosan Nanospheres: Formulation,characterization and in- vitro evaluation.Indian drugs, 51(11):17-23.
- Phalguna Yadagiri,Harikrishna, Swapna.(2014). Formulation, Development and Evaluation of Floating bilayered tablets of venlafaxine HCL. WJPR,3(10):1027- 1036.
- Phalguna Yadagiri , Rama Rao Korapati.(2016). Formulation, Characterization and In vitro Evaluation of Lamivudine Microspheres. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. AJPSci 6(4), 235-239.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Prakash katakam.(2017). Comparative In-vivo Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Drugs Loaded Nanospheres. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.51 (4S): S601-S606.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, NoorJahan, Indraja N, Satheesh kumar G.(2018). Analytical Method Development Validation for the Estimation of Sacubitril and Valsartan in Combined Pharmaceutical dosage forms by RP-HPLC. Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 8(1):09- 16.
- PhalgunaYadagiri,LikithaPurna,Akhila,Shirisha,Prashanthi.(2019).Formulation,Characteriza tion and Invitro evaluation of Isiniazid Microspheres. J Pharm Res,8(6):448-452.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati, Sandhya Rudra.(2019). Oral disintegrating tablets (odts): a review. EJBPS, 6(7):143-148.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli, G.Sandhya Rani. (2019).A Review on Cellular and Mol;ecular Drug Delivery Systems. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences-IJPBSTM )9(2): 1185-119.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Kabita Banik, B Sangeetha.(2019). Formulation and Evaluation of Propranolol HCl Floating Tablets – A Gastro Retentive Drug Delivery. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. 11(3):169-172.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati Sandhya Rudra.(2019) Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Fast Dissolving Oral Films of Cetirizine Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 9(5):122-125.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati Sandhya Rudra.(2019).Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Cetirizine hcl oral disintegrating tablets.AJPRD,7(5):2.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Mrinmay Das. (2019).In-vitro evaluation of anthelmintic activity of ethanolic extract of alternanthera sessilis linn. WJPLS, 5(11):162-164.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Nagajyothi, Mrinmay Das and Swetha Pothula.(2020). Design and optimization of diltiazem matrix tabletsas sustained release. WJPPS,9(5):1284-1292.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula and Yashasree.(2020). Formulation and evalution of telmisartan solid dispersion using different polymers. WJPR,9(6):1788- 1795.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli and Bobby Murala.(2020). Design, characterization and In vitro evaluation of polymeric nanoparticles containing decitabine. TPI, 9(6):494-499.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli , G.Mounika. (2020).Formulation, characterization and invitro evaluation of lamivudine microspheres for sustaine release. WJPMR, 6(8):232-238.
- Phalguna Yadagiri ,Kabita Banik.(2021). Formulation, characterization and evaluation of microspheres containing isoniazid.J.Global Trends Pharm.Sci.12 (1):9124-9130.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Abhisek pal.(2021). Therapeutic Anti-metabolic Cytotoxic Drug Monitoring: Present State and Future Prospects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,.13(2):210-215.
- Phalguna Yadagiri , Prakash Katakam, Shaban G. Elostac , Fathi H. Assalehd , Shanta Kumari Adiki.(2021). Precision medicine: Recent progress in cancer therapy. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 1(1):5-11.
- Phalguna Yadagiri, Michael Wombeogo, Sanjay Shinde, Benedicta Angsozumah, Portia Anibri Messiah Yvonne(2024). Artificial Intelligence for Targeted drug delivery systems: Nanoparticles for cancer therapy. (Accepted).
- Phalguna Yadagiri,Michael Wombeogo.(2024) Invitro-In vivo correlation (IVIVC): Tamoxifen nanospheres. Indian Drugs. 61(05):68-69.
- The power of machine learning for drug discovery. 29 th February 2020. SSS Indira College of Pharmacy. India.
- Innovative Drug delivery approaches.18 th November 2020.GITAM University, India
- International conference of the use of National Medicines Policy and Biostatistics in Pharmaceutical sciences. 28-29 thPulla reddy institute of Pharmacy, India.
- Training program for the Teachers for Pharmacy colleges 9-14th July,2012 JNTUH, India.
- Pharmacist, Govt. District Hospital, Sangareddy., India. 1999
- Chemist, Cheminova Laboratories, Hyderabad,India.2003
International Assignments
- Reviewer, Innovative Publications
- Reviewer, Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences
- Reviewer, BP International Publications
- HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), SSS Indira College of Pharmacy, India.2021-2023.
- HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), Bharat institute of Technology, India. 2018-2020.
- Vice-Principal & HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy, India.2016-2018.
- Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. (APTI).
- Registered Pharmacist: Telangana State Pharmacy Council, India.
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