Professor Phalguna Yadagiri

Prof. Dr. Phalguna Yadagiri is a Professor of Pharmacy and senior lecturer at the department of Health and Allied Sciences.  He is a member of the Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), a journal editor, and a journal reviewer and has 17 years of working experience as a researcher. His research interests include Nanoparticles, microcapsulation technicians, novel drug delivery systems, targeted drug delivery systems, biomaterials and polymers. He has over 30 Publications and 12 Research Presentations.

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  • Ph.D (Pharmaceutical Sciences) – Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India  (2008- 2016).              
  • M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) – Vinayaka Mission University, India (2004-2006).
  • B.Pharm – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India (1999-2003).
  • D.Pharm  – Board of Examing Authority, Drugs control Department, India (1996-1999)
  • Intermediate– Board of Intermediate Examination, India (1994-1996).                                      
  • Secondary School Certificate –Board of Secondary Examination, India (1994).
  • Professor – Department of Health and Allied Sciences, KAAF University College, Fetteh kakraba, Ghana. (May 2023 to till Date).
  • Professor- Department of Pharmaceutics, SSS Indira College of Pharmacy, Nanded, India.(May 2021 to March 2023),
  • Associate Professor -Department of Pharmaceutics, Bharath institute of Technology,  India. (November 2018 to August 2020).
  • Associate Professor– Department of Pharmaceutics, Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy,  India. (2014 July to August 2018).
  • Assistant Professor- Department of Pharmaceutics, Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy, India. (2010 July to June 2014).
  • Assistant Professor- HITS College of Pharmacy, India. (2006 October to June 2010).
  • Formulation, characterization and evaluation of nanoparticles (2010 to date).
  • Development and realization of new high efficiency and low- cost nanoparticles (2011 to date).
  • Formulation, characterization and evaluation of Microspheres (2008 to date).
  • Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Fast Dissolving Oral Films (2011 to 2019).
  • Formulation, characterization and in-vitro evaluation of chewable tablets (2010 to 2014))
  • Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Films (2010-2013).
  • Formulation, characterization and Evaluation of Matrix, Floating, Bilayer Tablets (2010-2016).
  • Phalguna Yadagiri(2016).Design and Evaluation of Biodegradable Nanospheres of Anti-cancer drugs for Parenteral Delivery. D Thesis. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India.
  • Phalguna Yadagiri(2006). Formulation, Characterization and Evaluation of Zudovidine Microspheres. Pharm Thesis. Vinayaka Mission University,India.
  • Phalguna Yadagiri(2002). Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets. Pharm Thesis. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. India.
  1. Phalguna Yadagiri, Venkateshwarlu, Ganesh kumar gudas.(2010). HPMC microspheres of zidovudine for sustained release. Int j pharm sci vol 2,(4),41- 43.
  2. Phalguna Yadagiri, Suresh, Shivakumar.(2013). Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal Film containing Naproxen.Int J Pharmacy& Analytical Research.2(4):121- 126.
  3. Phalguna Yadagiri, Vijay kumar,Sreekanth Reddy.(2014). Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Tablets containg Theophylline. Int J pharmacy and research.3 (1): 1201-1207.
  4. Phalguna Yadagiri, (2014).Formulation,Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation of Capecitabine loaded PCL-Chitosan Nanospheres. BPJ Vol 17(1): 18-24.
  5. Phalguna Yadagiri, PrakashKatakam.(2014). Formulation, Characterization and In-vitro Evaluation of Tamoxifen loaded PCL-Chitosan Nanospheres. j pharmaceutics (Recent science).30(1):1174-1179.
  6. Phalguna Yadagiri, Supriya, Tejaswini.(2014).Formulation and Evaluation of Microspheres containg Aceclofenac. IJPAR Vol 3(2): 222-227.
  7. Phalguna Yadagiri, Harikrishna, Ganesh. (2014).Dissolution behavior of Diclofenac potassium using dual release spheroids. Journal of Drug delivery & Therapeutics.4 (3):138-144.
  8. Phalguna Yadagiri, Srinivas,J.Harikrishna.(2014). Formulation,characterization and in-vitro evaluation of chewable tablets containing montelkust sodium by dry granulation method. Der Pharmacia Lettre (Scholars Research Library).6 (5):229-233.
  9. Phalguna Yadagiri, Ramakrishna,Harikrishna.(2014). Formulation, Development and in-vitro evaluation of fast dissolving tablets containg olanzapine.PHARMANEST 5(5):2374-2378.
  10. Phalguna Yadagiri, Venkatesh, .Harikrishna.(2014).Formulation,characterization and in-vitro evaluation of cefixime floating matrix tablets. Der Pharmacia Sinica (Pelagia Research Library). 5(5):106-111.
  11. Phalguna Yadagiri,Harikrishna,Laharika.(2014). Formulation and Evaluation of novel microemulsions of Atorvastatin calcium trihydrate. IJPHR, 2(4); 205-210.
  12. Phalguna Yadagiri, Prakash Katakam,Narayana.D.(2014).Doxorubicin loaded polycaprolactonechitosan Nanospheres: Formulation,characterization and in- vitro evaluation.Indian drugs, 51(11):17-23.
  13. Phalguna Yadagiri,Harikrishna, Swapna.(2014). Formulation, Development and Evaluation of Floating bilayered tablets of venlafaxine HCL. WJPR,3(10):1027- 1036.
  14. Phalguna Yadagiri , Rama Rao Korapati.(2016). Formulation, Characterization and In vitro Evaluation of Lamivudine Microspheres. Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. AJPSci 6(4), 235-239.
  15. Phalguna Yadagiri, Prakash katakam.(2017). Comparative In-vivo Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Drugs Loaded Nanospheres. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research.51 (4S): S601-S606.
  16. Phalguna Yadagiri, NoorJahan, Indraja N, Satheesh kumar G.(2018). Analytical Method Development Validation for the Estimation of Sacubitril and Valsartan in Combined Pharmaceutical dosage forms by RP-HPLC. Asian J. Res. Pharm. Sci. 8(1):09- 16.
  17. PhalgunaYadagiri,LikithaPurna,Akhila,Shirisha,Prashanthi.(2019).Formulation,Characteriza tion and Invitro evaluation of Isiniazid Microspheres. J Pharm Res,8(6):448-452.
  18. Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati, Sandhya Rudra.(2019). Oral disintegrating tablets (odts): a review. EJBPS, 6(7):143-148.
  19. Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli, G.Sandhya Rani. (2019).A Review on Cellular and Mol;ecular Drug Delivery Systems. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences-IJPBSTM )9(2): 1185-119.
  20. Phalguna Yadagiri, Kabita Banik, B Sangeetha.(2019). Formulation and Evaluation of Propranolol HCl Floating Tablets – A Gastro Retentive Drug Delivery. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. 11(3):169-172.
  21. Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati Sandhya Rudra.(2019) Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Fast Dissolving Oral Films of Cetirizine Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics. 9(5):122-125.
  22. Phalguna Yadagiri, Haritha Pasupulati Sandhya Rudra.(2019).Formulation, Characterization and In- vitro Evaluation OF Cetirizine hcl oral disintegrating tablets.AJPRD,7(5):2.
  23. Phalguna Yadagiri, Mrinmay Das. (2019).In-vitro evaluation of anthelmintic activity of ethanolic extract of alternanthera sessilis linn. WJPLS, 5(11):162-164.
  24. Phalguna Yadagiri, Nagajyothi, Mrinmay Das and Swetha Pothula.(2020). Design and optimization of diltiazem matrix tabletsas sustained release. WJPPS,9(5):1284-1292.
  25. Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula and Yashasree.(2020). Formulation and evalution of telmisartan solid dispersion using different polymers. WJPR,9(6):1788- 1795.
  26. Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli and Bobby Murala.(2020). Design, characterization and In vitro evaluation of polymeric nanoparticles containing decitabine. TPI, 9(6):494-499.
  27. Phalguna Yadagiri, Swetha Pothula, Ravinder Kumar Sarepalli , G.Mounika. (2020).Formulation, characterization and invitro evaluation of lamivudine microspheres for sustaine release. WJPMR, 6(8):232-238.
  28. Phalguna Yadagiri ,Kabita Banik.(2021). Formulation, characterization and evaluation of microspheres containing isoniazid.J.Global Trends Pharm.Sci.12 (1):9124-9130.
  29. Phalguna Yadagiri, Abhisek pal.(2021). Therapeutic Anti-metabolic Cytotoxic Drug Monitoring: Present State and Future Prospects. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,.13(2):210-215.
  30. Phalguna Yadagiri , Prakash Katakam, Shaban G. Elostac , Fathi H. Assalehd , Shanta Kumari Adiki.(2021). Precision medicine: Recent progress in cancer therapy. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 1(1):5-11.
  31. Phalguna Yadagiri, Michael Wombeogo, Sanjay Shinde, Benedicta Angsozumah, Portia Anibri Messiah Yvonne(2024). Artificial Intelligence for Targeted drug delivery systems: Nanoparticles for cancer therapy. (Accepted).
  32. Phalguna Yadagiri,Michael Wombeogo.(2024) Invitro-In vivo correlation (IVIVC): Tamoxifen nanospheres. Indian Drugs. 61(05):68-69.


  1. The power of machine learning for drug discovery. 29 th February 2020. SSS Indira College of Pharmacy. India.
  1. Innovative Drug delivery approaches.18 th November 2020.GITAM University, India
  2. International conference of the use of National Medicines Policy and Biostatistics in Pharmaceutical sciences. 28-29 thPulla reddy institute of Pharmacy, India.


  1. Training program for the Teachers for Pharmacy colleges 9-14th July,2012 JNTUH, India.


  • Pharmacist, Govt. District Hospital, Sangareddy., India. 1999
  • Chemist, Cheminova Laboratories, Hyderabad,India.2003

International Assignments

  •  Reviewer, Innovative Publications
  • Reviewer, Asian Journal of Chemical Sciences
  • Reviewer, BP International Publications
  • HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), SSS Indira College of Pharmacy, India.2021-2023.
  • HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), Bharat institute of Technology, India. 2018-2020.
  • Vice-Principal & HOD (Dept. of pharmaceutics), Jyothismathi College of Pharmacy, India.2016-2018.
  • Life Member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India. (APTI).
  • Registered Pharmacist: Telangana State Pharmacy Council, India.

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