Professor Phalguna Yadagiri

Prof. Sanjay S. Shinde has more than 14 years of teaching experience, Professor Sanjay S. Shinde is a Professor of Nursing in the Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences. He is the author of 5 books namely; Pediatric Nursing, Textbook of Nutrition, Textbook of Sociology, Pediatric Procedure Book and Nursing Service Administration. Professor Sanjay is a reviewer of Journals and has 30 Publications. He received the Narul Khanna Research Scholarship Award in 2021 from the Nursing Scholar Society. Also, a member of registered and published copyright of detecting the signs of learning disability among children. He has received 5 University research grants at Ethiopia University.

Profile Menu

  • PhD (Nursing) – Himalayan University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India (2016-2020).
  • M.Sc. (Nursing) – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India (2008-2010).
  • BSc. (Nursing) – Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India (2002-2006).
  • Higher Secondary Education – Pre-University Education Board, Bangalore. India (2019-2021).
  • Lecturer – BVVS-Sajjalashree College of Nursing, sciences, Bagalkot,India (June 2010-September 2012)
  • Assistant Professor – Department of Nursing, College of Medicine and health sciences, Mizan
    Tepi University, Mizan teferi, Ethiopia (October 2012 to October 2019).
  • Associate Professor – Department of Nursing, College of Medicine and health sciences, Bule
    Hora University, southern, oromia, Ethiopia (October 2019-July 2021).
  • Professor – Parul Institute Of Nursing,Parul university,Vadodara ,Gujarat,India (August 2021-
    September 2022).
  • Professor – Sumandeep Nursing College,Sumandeep Vidyapeeth,Deemed to be University
    Piparai,Vadodara,Gujarat,India (September 2022-August 2023).
  • Professor – Kaaf University College-College Of Health and Allied Sciences,Gomoa Fetteh
    Kakraba,Accra,Ghana (August 2023 Till date).

Main Research Projects

  • Assessment of factors influencing hygiene behaviour among school children in, BenchMaji Zone Southwest, Ethiopia(2014 to 2015
  • Saving the life of asphyxiated newborn in public health facilities of Kaffa , bench-maji
    and Sheka zone, SNNPR: pragmatic trial, an implementation research (2015 to2016)
  • Challenges of prevention of malnutrition among children under 5 years: A qualitative
    study among anganwadi workers and mothers of malnutrition children’s in rural areas of
    waghodia district, Vadodara, Gujarat, India (2020 to 2021)

Ph.D Supervision

  • Evaluation of IEC intervention on Knowwledge,Practice and Attitude regarding the early
    Identification of Developmental Milestone Abnormalities among mother of infant at Rural Area of Mahisagar District
  • Exploration of dietary diversity and its associated factors among infant and young children in
    Rural community, West Bengal-A mixed method study

Post-graduate Supervision

  • Perceived Barrier to chlorhexidine usage on newborn cord care in Ghana. A case study
    among postnatal women at the mother and child hospital and st Gregory Catholic HospitalKasoa Thesis submitted in 2023 and awaiting graduation in 2025(Main supervisor).
  • Psychosocial,Lifestyle Modification and Treatment Regimen experience of women Living
    with Diabetes Mellitus in Shai Osu-Doku District of the Greater Accra Metropolis Thesis
    submitted in 2023 and awaiting graduation in 2025
  • Assess the Knowledge of High Risk Status Among Antenatal Mothers at Selected Hospital,
    Vadodara, Gujarat..Graduated in 2021(Main Supervisor).
  • Knowledge about malnutrition its prevention and control among mothers of under five
    children in rural area. Vadodara,Gujarat. Graduated in 2022 (Main Supervisor).
  • Assess the knowledge about newborn care among the Primi Mothers at a Selected Hospitals,
    Vadodara, Gujarat. Graduated in 2022 (Main Supervisor).
  • Assess the prevalence and mother’s knowledge regarding home accidents in under five
    children: Graduated in 2022 (Main Supervisor).
  • A comparative study to assess the knowledge regarding socio-cultural factors influcing
    feeding pattern of children among mothers residing in selected urban and rural areas of
    Bagalkot.India Graduated in 2010 (Main supervisor).
  • Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge of breast crawl for fourth
    year B.SC nursing and 3rdyear Diploma nursing students of selected nursing institute
    Bagalkot, India. Graduated in 2010 (Main Supervisor).

Under-graduate Supervision

  • Effectiveness of Demonstration Method On Knowledge and Skill Regarding Cardio
    Pulmonary Resuscitation Among Students Of educational Trust,Vadodara, Gujarat Graduated
    in 2022(Main Supervisor).
  • Assess the Knowledge of High Risk Status Among Antenatal Mothers at Selected Hospital,
    Vadodara, Gujarat..Graduated in 2021(Main Supervisor).
  • Magnitude of stunting and associated factors among children aged 6-59months in MizanAman town, southern Ethiopia. Graduated in 2014 (Main Supervisor).
  • Prevalence of diarrhoea and associated factors among under five children’s. in Mizan-Aman
    town, southern Ethiopia. Graduated in 2015 (Main Supervisor).
  • Knowledge, attitude and practice of exclusive breast feeding among women in the last 12 months,
    south west Ethiopia. 2013 (Main Supervisor).


  • Sanjay Shinde (2021). Effectiveness of Video-assisted Teaching Programme on
    Knowledge Regarding Care of Children On Mechanical Ventilators among Staff Nurses
    Working in Pediatric Intensive CRE units of Selected Hospitals at Belgaum, India.
    Ph.D.Thesis. Himalayan University, Arunachal Pradesh, India.
  • Sanjay Shinde (2010). A study to assess the knowledge of mothers regarding the growth and
    development of their infants to develop self-instruction module. M.Sc
    Thesis, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, India.
  • Sanjay shinde, Michael Wombeogo, Milka Madhale.(2023). The needs of nurses to
    improve nursing care for HIV positive MSM in Indonesia: A qualitative descriptive
    study [ Letter to editor]. Dove press-Journal of multidisciplinary health care Volume
    -16. 2023:16:3007-3015.Doi:10.2147/JMDH.S426818
  • Sanjay shinde, Michael Wombeogo, Milka Madhale.(2023). Attitude and Barriers to
    physical activity and exercise self-efficacy among Chinese pregnant women:A cross
    sectional study. [Letter to editor]. Dove press-Journal of multidisciplinary health care,
    16(3): 4161-4162.DOI
  • Sanjay shinde, Thavamani, K.,Michael Wombeogo. (2023). Effectiveness of deep
    breathing exercise to reduce anxiety among chronic renal failure patients undergoing
    hemodialysis-A Literature Review. Journal of advanced Zoology, ISSN :0253-7214
  • Sanjay Shinde, Firew Tiruneh , Dinaol Abdissa Fufa.(2023). The Effect of Expert
    Patient Simulation on Clinical Judgment: A Quasi-Experimental Study. Advances in
    Medical Education and Practice 2023:14 783–790.
  • Sanjay shinde, Ruby Singh, Vinaya kumary T ,Ravindra HN, Abhay Pattan,
    Milankumar Chauhan (2022). Challenges of prevention of malnutrition among
    children under 5 years: a qualitative study among anganwadi workers and mothers of
    malnutrition children’s in rural areas of waghodia district, Vadodara, Gujarat.
    Bulletin of environment, pharmacology and life sciences. ISSN 2277-180
  • Ruby Singh, Pamela Shalini Joseph, Mayuri S. Nayak, Shikha Gupta, Sanjay Shinde.
    (2022). Assess the knowledge regarding impact of mobile phone and internet use
    among high school students at vadodara, Gujarat 2022 – a cross-sectional study.
    Journal of Bulletin of environment, pharmacology and life sciences, ISSN 2277-1808
  • Sanjay shinde, Dawit Galgalo, Julie R. Jadhav. (2022). Qualitative challenges at
    tuberculosis control at public health facilities of bulehora town-a. Journal of internal
    journal of nursing and medical research, doi:10.52711
  • Sanjay shinde, Firew Tiruneh , Dinaol Abdissa Fufa. (2022). Saving the life of asphyxiated newborn in public health facilities of Kaffa , bench-Mazi and sheka zone,
    SNNP: pragmatic trial, an implementation research. Dove medical press journal,
    research and report in neonatology. 5366328/
  • Sanjay shinde, Roma Patel, Vinodini Chavan (2022). Assess the prevalence and mother’s knowledge regarding home accidents in under five children: a descriptive
    study. Journal of positive school psychology, ISSN-2774-2782
  • Sanjay shinde,Moges beya. (2022). Assessment of hygiene behavior and associated factors among school children in shey bench, southwest, Ethiopia. an institutional
    based-cross sectional study. The open public health journal, doi: 10.2174/18749445-
  • Sanjay shinde, (2022). Assess the knowledge of high risk status among antenatal mothers at selected hospital, vadodara, Gujarat. Journal of International journal of
    obstetrics, perinatal and neonatal nursing, ISSN-2455-6424. DOI (Journal):
  • Asu Vasava1, Sanjay S. Shinde, Roma Patel.(2022). Knowledge about malnutrition its prevention and control among mothers of under five children in rural area. Journal
    of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S01.133.
  • Manesh Pawar, Roma Patel, Sanjay Shinde(2022). Assess the knowledge about newborn care among the primi mothers at a selected hospital, Vadodara, Gujarat. Journal
    of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S06.465
  • Sanjay shinde, Hazaratali Panari, Milka Madhale,. (2021). Knowledge and practice of neonatal danger signs and associated factors among mother’s attending public health
    facilities of west guji zone, oromia, southern Ethiopia. Pan Africa medical journal facilities of west guji zone, oromia, southern Ethiopia. Pan Africa medical journal-one health. ISSN-2707-2800ttps://
  • Surendra S,Sanjay shinde, Roma Patel (2021). Effectiveness of video assisted
    teaching programme regarding umbilical cord blood banking on knowledge and
    attitude among staff nurses in selected hospital of vadodara. International journal of
    biology, pharmacy and allied sciences ISSN-2277–4998
  •  Chala Wata Dereso1, Sarah Ezhil Kelna Edwin, Sanjay Shinde, A.Clement Raj.
    (2021). Teaching learning quality management at Bulehora university. Bulehora
    university journal of indigenous knowledge and development studies, ISSN-2708-
  • Ms.SarahEzhil Kelna Edwin1, Dr.Tamiru Anole, Mr. Clement Raj A, Mr.Nurye
    Sirage4 , Mr.Takala Utura ,. Sanjay Shinde , (2021). Knowledge and preparedness of
    covid-19 among health care staffs at selected public health facilities at west guji zone,
    southern Ethiopia. Annals of R.S.C.B.,. ISSN-1583-6258
  •  Girish Degavi,Chala Wata Dereso Sanjay shinde, Shiferaw Gelchu Adola,
    Pandiarajan Kasimayan. (2021). Prevention of occupational hazards among sanitary
    workers: knowledge, attitude and practice survey in bulehora, west guji zone, oromia,
    Ethiopia. Dove press Journal, Risk management and health care policy. ISSN-2245–
  • Girish Degavi ,Sarah Ezhil Kelna Edwin , Sanjay Shinde , Divya Rani Rajan. (2021).
    Maintaining of vaccine cold chain process and associated factors: a cross sectional
    study to know health professional’s knowledge in west guji zone, southern, Ethiopia.
    Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN-1583-6258.
  • Sanjay Shinde. (2021). Knowledge on preparedness and prevention response of
    covid-19 among teachers of bulehora university, oromia region, Ethiopia. Journal of
    Annals of R.S.C.B., ISSN-1583-6258.
  •  Sanjay shinde, Rajanidevi Hirmath. (2021). Assess the knowledge of primary school
    teachers regarding behavioral problems and their prevention among school going
    children in selected government primary schools at Bagalkot. International journal of
    Advances in Nursing Management. ISSN- 2454-2652.
  • Sanjay shinde. (2017). Prevention of protein energy malnutrition to under-five children. International journal of pediatric nursing 2455–6343
  • Sanjay shinde. (2017). A study to assess the knowledge of staff nurse regarding
    immediate care of newborn baby., Bulletin of pharmaceutical research. 5(3):108-11.
    ISSN: 2249-6041 (Print); ISSN: 2249-9245 (Online).

List of Textbook:

  • Anita Prakasam,Sanjay shinde,Suresh V,Vruti Patel and Sonal patel (2023). Pediatric
    nursing procedure book. Xoffencer publisher, India. ISBN-978-93-94707-43-6.
  • Sanjay shinde. Nursing service Administration. Xoffencer publisher, India. ISBN-978-
  • Sanjay shinde, Abhay Pattan,Praful Damor. Applied sociology for nurses. Xoffencer
    publisher, India. ISBN-978-93-94707-35-1
  • Sanjay shinde,Abhay Pattan,Praful Damor. Nursing research and statistics. Lambert
    academic publisher, Germany. ISBN-978-62-004981-99.
  • Sanjay shinde. Pediatric nursing clinical record book. Sharp medical publisher,
    Bangalore, India. ISBN-978-3-659-40649-2
  • Sanjay shinde,Firew Tiruneh. Textbook of Pediatric nursing. scientific international
    publishers, new-Delhi. ISBN-978-93-86479-00.
  • Sanjay shinde. Textbook of Nutrition. Lambert academic publisher, Germany. ISBN-978-

Refereed Conference/Workshop Proceedings/Abstracts

  • Sanjay Shinde. Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise to reduce anxiety among chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. Chirayu College of Nursing, Chirayu University, Bhopal.India,November-2023
  • Sanjay Shinde. Expert talks on Breast cancer awareness and prevention. KAAF University College,College of health and Allied sciences,Accra,Ghana 11th October 2023
  • Sanjay Shinde. Assessment of factors influencing hygiene Behavior among school children in, Bench- Mazi zone southwest, Ethiopia. Conference organized by. Nursing
    Scholar Society,November 2022, India
  • Sanjay Shinde. (2021). Qualitative challenges at tuberculosis control at public health facilities of Bule Hora town. E-conference organized by clinical nursing society, D.Y.Patil
    University School of nursing, 15th January 2021Mumbai.India
  • Sanjay Shinde. E-International conference ORAL Paper presentation on Knowledge and
    practice of neonatal danger signs and associated factors among mother’s attending public
    health facilities of organized by KLE Academy of higher education, Belgaum,16th January 2020,India
  • Sanjay Shinde. (2021). Qualitative challenges at tuberculosis control at public health facilities of Bule Hora town.E-conference organized by clinical nursing society, D.Y.Patil
    university school of nursing, 15 th January 2021Mumbai.India
  • Sanjay Shinde. International E-Conference on Research Methodology in Nursing.Dr.Subhash University,Gujarat,India.10th March 2023


  • International E-Conference on Research methodology in Health Research. Organized by KAAF University College, College of Health and Allied Sciences, Accra, Ghana.21 st September-2023.
  • National Level Continuing Nursing Education on Cardiac Emergencies: “The
    Challenging role. Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be university, Vadodara, Gujarat.2nd March 2023.
  • International webinar on Zero waste processing Technique for managing food and agricultural wastes. Organized by KAAF University College, faculty of engineering,
    Accra, Ghana.18th October-2023.
  • International E-Conference on psychological first Aid A Multi disciplinary approach.
    Organized by KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research and Thomas Jefferson
    University USA.19-20th August-2023.
  • National level webinar on Palliative care.Organised by Swami Samarth College of Nursing Hardha,India.28th December 2022.
  • National level virtual conference on Qualitative Research Methodology. Organized by S.N. College of Nursing Rajasthan, India.27-29th July 2023.
  • National level workshop on Fathom of Intellectual property rights and search engine a priority of nursing research. Organized by Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University, Vadodara, Gujarat.22nd December 2022


  • Helping Baby breathe Organized by Bule Hora University, General hospital staffs.
    December 2021
  • Workshop on Tuberculosis prevention and control Bule Hora general hospital staffs.5-
    March 2021.
  • Workshop on dimensions for research and education in health sciences; 25th April
    2016, Mizan-Tepi university mizan teferi Ethiopia.


  • Indo-American Evidence-Based Practice Academy in collaboration with Johns Hopkins
    Nursing Centre for Evidence-Based Practice, USA (online), 1st April 2022 – 30th March.


    nursing scholar society,India.November-December 2021


Local Community Services

  • Distributed books to elementary school children at Ethiopia 2020
  • Distributed to Mask to community people during covid-19 pandemic 2020
  • Provided awareness to public regarding prevention of covid-19 2019

National assignments

  • Organized blood donation camp collaboration with red cross society at 2021

International Assignments

  •  Reviewer, International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences (ELSEVIER). January 2022
  • Asian Journal of research in infectious diseases 2021
  • Asian Journal of research and report in gastroenterology 2022

Research Grants

  • Challenges of prevention of malnutrition among children under 5 years: a qualitative
    study among anganwadi workers and mothers of malnutrition children’s in rural areas of
    waghodia district, Vadodara, Gujarat.2021-Centre for research for development, Parul
    University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
  • Knowledge and practice of neonatal danger signs and associated factors among mother’s
    attending public health facilities of west guji zone, oromia, southern Ethiopia.2020-Bule
    Hora University, Ethiopia
  • Assessment of hygiene behavior and associated factors among school children in shey
    bench, southwest, Ethiopia. an institutional based-cross sectional study.2018-Mizan Tepi
    University,Mizan Teferi,Ethiopia
  • Paper setter at various universities at India.
  • Worked at a Research coordinator at Parul University, Arul Institute of Nursing
    Sciences, Vadodara,Gujarat, India.2021 to 2022
  • NAAC Coordinator at Sumandeep Nursing College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth, Deemed to
    be university, Vadodara, Gujarat, India 2022 to 202
  • Member, Nursing Scholar Society, India (NSS)
  • Member, Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) or


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